Hi everyone! First I'd like to thank the professor for his efforts to make the classes interesting. And secondly, I want to apologize for my poor participation in the class, it is very difficult to me to concentrate because I have to take care of my two sons. I wish things had been different, so maybe I have learned much more. Moreover, I still feeling ashamed of speaking English in public, I feel blocked and it's very hard to me to speak fluently :'( I think it's because I have been a very long time without practicing. I notice I have forgotten a lot of words and verbs conjugations, so when I have to speak I feel terrified, especially if my children are crying or yelling at me. While I'm writing this blog I had to consult many times in the dictionary. The truth is I would like to have more time to practice, but being in calm and not concerned about my children. I leave you this drawing of Bjenny Montero.
Hi everyone! Regarding my study program, I have always thought that contents related to neurosciences in psychology program are quite poor. In fact, we have two required courses, under the name of “Neurophysiology” and “Cognitive Neuroscience”. Even it represent a good opportunity to get introduced to this subject, later is difficult to find courses where you can go deeper, and they also don’t have a specific order to make sense of the learning. Moreover, I think that a good idea would be to reinforce the oral and written skills of the students, because in my experience, making oral presentations or writing essays it’s not enough to learn. Maybe the different faculties could design specific courses for this purpose in order to help disadvantaged students. On the other hand, from my own experience, I believe that it is necessary to create better conditions to the students who are parents and their children, because it is the reality for many students and it make things harde...